Sunday, 16 October 2016

Learning along with my Grade 5 students

This school year I am lucky to be learning alongside my 27 talented and enthusiastic Grade 5 students.
We share many interests in common but I suspect my interest
in using technology to enhance our learning is probably the "thing" that is making this year more exciting for all of us!

My past roles as a teacher-librarian and a resource teacher allowed me to work with many dynamic teachers. I am proficient with the use of tech tools and GAFE (Google Apps for Education).
This year I get to implement all of those great ideas that I
have tried with others with my own students.

I have discovered that Grade 5 students learn quickly and we are moving forward in many ways.  We have been learning about ebooks and have learned about the 6 different ways my students can access audio and ebooks to encourage more reading.

We are also developing our maker mindsets by trying out Garage Band and Makey Makey sets to compose musical pieces.

We are also using a flexible seating concept in our class.  Students choose where to sit as we switch subjects and activities.  I am hoping that this will have a positive impact on their ability to collaborate with peers.

I am glad that I chose to return to a classroom teacher role this year so I can facilitate in the learning of my students.  I want them to become reflective learners and to think about how they learn.

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